관계부사 만드는 과정: 4단계

관계부사 만드는 과정: 4단계

오늘은 관계부사가 만들어지는 과정 4단계를 알아보겠습니다. 이 4단계를 확실히 알고 있으면 시험이 어떠한 형태로 나와도 쉽게 풀수 있습니다.


관계부사 만드는 과정: 4단계


관계부사 만드는 과정: 4단계
관계부사 만드는 과정: 4단계



1. 관계부사의 종류






2. 관계부사: 형용사역할

관계부사는 관계대명사와 마찬가지로 명사를 수식하는 역할을 하는 형용사절로 쓰이며 해석을 하지  않습니다.





3. 관계부사가 만들어지는 과정: 4단계


(1) where

This is the city. I was born  in this city.

This is the city which I was born in

This is the city in which I was born

This is the city where I was born.


(2) when

I remember the day.  I first met her on that day.

I remember the day which I first met her on.

I remember the day on which I first met her.

I rememver the day when I first met her.


(3) why

I don’t know the reason. She left me for that reason.

I don’t know the reason which  she left me for.

I don’t know the reason for which she left me.

I don’t know the reason why she left me.


(4) how

This is the way. He did it in this way.

This is the way which she did it in.

This is the way in which she did it.

This is the way (how)she did it.( 주의: the way 와  how는 함께 쓰지 않고 둘 중 하나만 쓴다)






4. 시험에 잘 나오는 유형


다음 괄호안에 단어 중 알맞은 것을 고르시오.


This is the city (which /where) I was born in

This is the city (which /where) I was born.


I remember the day (which/when) I first met her on.

I rememver the day (which/when)  I first met her.


I don’t know the reason (which/why)  she left me for.

I don’t know the reason (which/why) she left me.


This is the way (which/ in which) she did it.

This is the way (how/ in which) she did it.


오늘은 영어 문법 중에서 관계부사가 만들어지는 4단계 과정에 대해서 알아보았습니다. 이 과정을 숙지해서 어떤 형태의 문제가 나오더라도 문제없이 해결하시길 바랍니다!




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아이패드 에어



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